Here’s a list of THANK YOUs for lots of nice people who supported my writing in 2014…
My first novel THE VISITORS was published almost exactly a year ago.
The beautiful hardback cover for THE VISITORS
A huge THANK YOU to my agent Jane Conway-Gordon for securing the deal and to the wonderful team at Hodder and Stoughton for publishing, editing, designing and publicising the book and all the other magical and mysterious things you publishing folk do, especially my brilliant editor Suzie Dooré.
Have a look here at Hodder’s The Book Bakery Pinterest board on Victoriana in THE VISITORS:
Hop bines flutter in the breeze, just as they do in THE VISITORS.
Once the book was out there in the world, it was time to start reading the reviews…THANK YOU to all the bloggers and readers who have kindly read and reviewed and rated THE VISITORS this year on bookblogs, social media, Goodreads, Amazon, newspapers and magazines. It’s been a thrill to hear your thoughts on it.
A particular thanks to the Grimsby Telegraph and the Cleethorpes Chronicle for all your super articles:
It’s been a delight to connect with masses of lovely book bloggers through social media, as well as other debut and more seasoned authors, particularly through Twitter. THANK YOU to everyone who Shared, RTed, Favourited and otherwise had fun with me on social media this year. A special thank you goes to family and friends – new and old – who have spotted THE VISITORS in bookshops world-wide and posted pictures of it out in the wild:
Check out my shelfies selection on Pinterest:
A particular THANK YOU goes to the following bloggers who’ve let me know that they’ve chosen THE VISITORS as one of their favourite books of the year – 4 hard-working readers with eclectic, honest and thoughtful blogs:
Lady Fancifull:
A Fantastical Librarian:
Fleur in her World:
Bits & Bobs:
The equally gorgeous paperback cover.
I’d also like to say THANK YOU to everyone from far and wide who travelled to the book launch of THE VISITORS last January. I wrote about it all here:
Simon, Poppy and I at the book launch.
Another THANK YOU to the lovely folk at the Edinburgh International Book Festival who invited me to appear there this summer and also nominated THE VISITORS for the First Book Award. I wrote about our fab Edinburgh trip here:
Our little family spot a familiar book at the EIBF bookshop.
We also enjoyed trips to Grimsby and Lincoln Waterstones for a signing and an author event, as well as an invitation to the Books Are My Bag Party at Watermark Books at Kings Cross in London:
Signing stock at the gorgeous Watermark Books.
2015 is going to bring with it a new release – my 2nd novel for Hodder & Stoughton – SONG OF THE SEA MAID. Here’s the blurb:
In the 18th century, Dawnay Price is an anomaly. An educated foundling, a woman of science in a time when such things are unheard-of, she overcomes her origins to become a natural philosopher.
Against the conventions of the day, and to the alarm of her male contemporaries, she sets sail to Portugal to develop her theories. There she makes some startling discoveries – not only in an ancient cave whose secrets hint at a previously undiscovered civilisation, but also in her own heart. The siren call of science is powerful, but as war approaches she finds herself pulled in another direction by feelings she cannot control.
Émilie du Châtelet, an C18th scientist and genius.
An extra thank you goes to A Fantastical Librarian who chose SONG OF THE SEA MAID as one of her anticipated books for 2015:
The stunning Berlengas Islands off the coast of Portugal, one of the settings in SONG OF THE SEA MAID.
Here’s my Pinterest board all about my second novel to get you started before the book itself comes out on June 18th 2015:
Finally, I’d like to thank all my family and friends who continue to support me, especially after all the years of hoping, where their belief in my writing future never wavered.
A very special THANK YOU is reserved for Simon and Poppy, forever and for always.
I wish you ALL a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR 2015!!!!
Our cat Tink looking wise in our springtime garden.